Monday, August 15, 2011

Google Buys Motorola.

For Google, Sky is the limit. There once was a time when it was known only for its Search Technology. But now, you will have to search for the things Google is not known for. Search, Translation, News, Blogging, Social-Networking... Its everywhere.

Now, Google has taken the next step by acquiring the Mobility division of Motorolla for a whopping $12.5 Billion. Motorola is a company which has played a major role in the mobile revolution and the introducer of the worlds first mobile phone.

Since the launch of Android, motorolla has fully contributed to its development. "Motorola’s total commitment to Android in mobile devices is one of many reasons that there is a natural fit between our two companies." said Larry Page on the Official Google blog.

Another attraction for Google is the 17,000 Patents that Motorola has. "Our acquisition of Motorola will increase competition by strengthening Google's patent portfolio, which will enable us to better protect Android from anti-competitive threats from Microsoft, Apple and other companies." said the CEO.

What will come out of this aquisition is totally unknown. Google may completely screw up the hardware or make it much better. But in my view, it will be much better. Let us hope for the best.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Hey folks. HTML5 was fun. But now I have started working on a project in .NET. Its almost done. I did it with a couple of my friends. It was fun. We call it ShareVilla. What it does is, it lets you access your facebook, Twitter, Google Chat and your RSS subscriptions in a single place. We have used WPF for the front end. Its a cool piece of software.

Here's a screenshot of the Google screen.

Stay Connecetd.. Feel Social..

Will make it available here soon.
Till then.. Cheers.! :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

HTML5 + CSS3 = True Awsomeness

I attended a meetup on HTML5 and CSS3 a few days ago. It was organized by a group in Pune called Technext. It was really good. I was seriously amazed by the power of HTML5 and CSS3 combined.

Since that day, I have been playing around with a few code examples and have come to the conculusion that your Imagination is the limit with HTML5 and CSS3.

HTML5 + CSS3 = True Awsomeness..!!

Here's a sample of what can be done with CSS3.
